Porcelain Veneers
The procedure
Porcelain veneers consist of a wafer-thin ceramic layer of porcelain that’s placed over the surface of the teeth. The translucent, glass-like appearance resembles tooth enamel, providing a natural appearance. Our porcelain veneers are custom-made to your specifications, so you can decide the exact colour and shape you want your smile to be. This treatment can usually be completed within two or three visits.
Composite resin veneers
Composite resin veneers are a conservative alternative to porcelain veneers and are more suitable for people looking for great results on a tighter budget.
The procedure
This treatment involves applying layers of composite resin to the front surface of the tooth in order to recreate a natural appearance – this process is also known as bonding. It may be necessary to have your composite veneers polished over time, but this is only a minor drawback against the endless list of advantages.
Composite veneers cost considerably less than porcelain because they do not require the removal of the tooth’s structure. They can also be removed if further treatment is required or if any damages need to be repaired.
To speak to a member of our team about the veneers available at Semaphore Dental, or book an appointment with one of our expert dental practitioners. Give us a call today on 08 8242 2458.